Fundamental assessments and new enabling proposals for heat transfer correlations and flow regime maps for shear driven condensers in the annular/stratified regime
1Michigan Technological University Houghton, Michigan, United States
J Ther Eng 2015; 1(4): 307-321
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Modern-day applications need mm-scale shear-driven flow condensers. Condenser designs need to ensure large heat transfer rates for a variety of flow conditions. For this, good estimates for heat-transfer rate correlations and correlations for the length of the annular regime (beyond which plug slug flows typically occur) are needed. For confident use of existing correlations (particularly the more recent ones supported by large data sets) for shear-pressure driven internal condensing flows, there is a great need to relate the existing correlation development approaches to direct flow-physics based fundamental results from theory, computations, and experiments. This paper addresses this need for millimeter scale shear driven and annular condensing flows. In doing so, the paper proposes/compares a few new and reliable non-dimensional heat-transfer coefficient correlations as well as a key flow regime transition criteria/correlation.