Centrifugal deposition of iron oxide magnetic nanorods for hyperthermia application
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona 3801 W Temple Avenue, Pomona, CA 91768, USA
2Center for Functional Nanomaterials, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973, USA
J Ther Eng 2015; 1(2): 99-103
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Centrifugal deposition of iron oxide was performed to manufacture magnetic nanorods in an aqueous solution. The nanorods were examined by electron microscopy. The diameter of the nanorods ranges from 10 to 20 nm. The length is about 150 nm. The nanorods were incorporated into a silicone polymer to simulate body tissues injected with magnetic nanomaterials. Then the magnetic nanorod-containing silicone samples were put into a microwave to examine the external electromagnetic field induced heating behavior. Dramatic increase in temperature was observed when the nanorods were exposed to the external electromagnetic field for 2 seconds. It is concluded that the nanorods generate intensive heating effect and they have the potential for hyperthermia application.