Recent developments of computational methods on natural convection in curvilinear shaped enclosures
1Dept. Mech. Eng. Fırat University Elazig, Turkey
2Department of Mechanical Eng. Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey
3Department of Mechanical Engineering, Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
4Dept. Mech. Eng. King Saud Unv. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
2Department of Mechanical Eng. Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey
3Department of Mechanical Engineering, Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
4Dept. Mech. Eng. King Saud Unv. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
J Ther Eng 2016; 2(2): 693-698
In this review work, thermal and flow fields due to natural convection of in curvilinear enclosures was conducted for different geometries using nnaofluids. Different computational techniques are applied to get results for this geometries. The main difficulties on this problem is to obtain of grid distribution.It was found that the geometry parameter is an important control parameter on heat and fluid flow in natural convection. In general, heat transfer increases with the addition of nanoparticle into the base fluid.
Keywords: Curvilinear geometry, natural convection, nanofluid