Investigation of characterization and composition of dental wastes in Samsun city center
1Department of Environmental Engineering Faculty of Engineering Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun, TURKEY
J Ther Eng 2017; 3(4): 1419-1427
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As a result of daily activities, besides domestic wastes, many hazardous wastes also come out. These wastes constitute hazards in terms of environment and human health. Taking these potential hazards into account, waste must be disposed of in such a way as not to jeopardize the environment and human health. Looking at the overall hazardous wastes, it appears that dental wastes are a small fraction. Although it is thought to be a trivial part, it is in fact an important waste resource, with poor management, complicated infection risk and even heavy metal output from materials such as amalgam. Therefore waste characterization and composition should be determined to develop appropriate waste management systems. Just as dental residues are found in many countries, management of "medical waste control" is carried out by regulations in Turkey as well. In this study, it was aimed to determine the composition and characterization of dentistry wastes of Samsun city center. For this purpose, wastes of faculty of Dentistry, 2 dental clinics and 2 private dental examinations were taken and studied in two different days. In this study, wastes are classified by type, so that percentage distributions are calculated and quantities are examined.