Determination of 1/v-t (p, constant) diagrams of hydrogen gases by graph-analytical methods
1Abdullah Gül University,Kayseri,Turkiye
2Anadolu Plazma Teknoloji Enerji Merkezi, Ankara,Turkiye
J Ther Eng 2017; 3(1): 1071-1077
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Graph-analytical methods provide more accurate results in the analysis of V-T (P=constant) and 1/V-T (P=constant) diagrams of gases. In this study, as a continuation of [1, 2]*, the behavior of hydrogen gas was examined by using graph-analytical method under consideration of volume and density parameters at high pressure and temperature. In this paper, graph- analytical method was applied to draw and examine V-T (P=constant) and 1/V-P (T=constant) diagrams which were based on experimental data of hydrogen and other gases (Hydrogen, carbon dioxide, oxygen, argon, helium, neon, xenon and other gases) at high pressure and temperature. The results indicate that the behavior of hydrogen gas is different from the other gases.