Predicting boiler efficiency deterioration using energy balance method: case study in 660 mw power plant jepara, central java, Indonesia
1Department of Electrics Engineering, Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama, Jepara, Central Java, INDONESIA
2Department of Operation, Komipo Pembangkitan Jawa Bali, Jepara, Central Java, INDONESIA
2Department of Operation, Komipo Pembangkitan Jawa Bali, Jepara, Central Java, INDONESIA
J Ther Eng 2020; 6(6): 247-256 DOI: 10.18186/thermal.821052
This research aims to determine the deterioration of boiler efficiency in Tanjung Jati B Unit 3 and 4 coal fired power plant with capacity 2x660 MW in Jepara Central Java Indonesia using energy balance (indirect method) based on ASME PTC 4 2018. The deterioration of boiler efficiency per year estimated using linear regression. From the results of the research, it is found that the deterioration in boiler efficiency of unit 3 is 0.19% per year and unit 4 is 0.44% per year. Large heat losses that vary for each performance test are greatly influenced by the use of various coal properties.
Keywords: Boiler Efficiency, Deterioration, Energy Balance Method, Linear Regression