Steady-state turbulent non-premixed combustion of pulverized coal has been modeled in the two-dimensional furnace. Pulverized coal of three different types, low volatiles coal, medium volatile coal and high volatile coal, has been considered. The coal is injected through the center of the furnace and air is being supplied with two inlets (top inlet and bottom inlet) at different velocities. Taking advantage of the symmetry, only one half of the domain is considered. Results have been validated with the experimental data for furnace temperature distribution. Effect of variation of parameters such as top air velocity, bottom air velocity, air temperature, furnace wall temperature and mass flow rate of coal are discussed for all three different types of coal. The effect of these various parameters has been discussed upon peak temperature inside the furnace, heat transfer to/from the system to surroundings and emission of gases like compounds of NO, CO and CO2. The analysis has been carried out using Ansys-Fluent software.